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When to Use


Used to show the status of stages in a process.

Proportional Infographic

Displays segments on an image, with the segment size representing metric value.

Comparative Infographic

Displays images sized in such a way to correspond to a metric.


You want to compare data by integrating multiple axes into a single radial figure.


Waterfall charts are a special type of Floating Column Chart. A typical waterfall chart shows how an initial value is increased and decreased by a series of intermediate values, leading to a final value.


Maps the occurrence of events against the values of a numeric data set over time.

Week Density

Shows the density of occurrences based on hour relative to other densities on the same day of the week.

Chart Data Options

Funnel, Radar, Waterfall, and Z Charts




This is the category label for the X axis


Typically a numeric value such as $. An item that you want to measure on your Chart

Event Chart




Time value


Metric shown in the line (the top of the chart)


Binary values that signify if the event was occurring on each of the time values.

Trellis Chart




You may select up to two different fields to use as columns in your trellis.


You may select up to two different fields to use as rows in your trellis chart.


You can select one field to split your values by colour.


When you have a scatter plot trellis you will also be able to select a metric to use for the size of the bubbles.

Note: at least one of either the Column or Row fields selected must be a metric.

Funnel Chart Creation

1. Click on the Create link to begin creating your chart.

2. You should now be on the Initialise Report page. Leave the Drag and Drop Builder selected as the build tool.

3. Select Ski Team as the Database View (if not already selected).

4. Now click either the or Click here to continue button to proceed.

5. You should now be on the Step 1. Report Data page. To start with, set the Output Options to Chart Only by selecting it in the Report Options section on the right.

6. On the Report Data page, drag and drop the Booking Step and Athlete ID fields into the Column Fields area.

7. Drag and drop the Booking Status field into the Filters area.

8. Select the Athlete ID field and add a Count aggregation to it.

9. Click on at the top of the page.

10. On the Filters page, set Booking Status to be Equal to.

11. Click on the link to set the value.

12. Select Cancelled. In this case, we are only interested in seeing bookings that have been cancelled, examining which step athletes cancel in.

13. Click Submit to save your changes.

14. Click on at the top of the page.

15. On the Report Preview page click on the Pie Chart image as before.

16. Click on the Chart Menu and select Special Purpose as the Chart Type and Funnel as the subtype (click on the picture on the left).

17. Click Save to load the options for a Funnel Chart.

18. Set the Chart Data settings.

19. Select Booking Step for the Label.

20. Select Count Athlete ID as the Series.

21. Click Refresh to generate your chart.

22. You should now have a chart that looks like the one pictured here.

23. You now need to Save and Activate your chart. Click on the Close button to go back to the Report Preview page.

24. Click on the Save Menu and use Funnel Chart Tutorial as the Name.

25. Type This Funnel Chart was created using the Charts Tutorial as the Description.

26. Enter Tutorial as the Category and Charts as the Sub Category.

27. Click Activate.

Radar Chart Creation

1. Start creating a chart as you did with the other charts by clicking on the Create link.

2. On the Report Data page, drag and drop the Camp Demographic dimension, Profit Margin, Invoiced (Pref Currency) metrics into the Column Fields.

3. Change the aggregations on both of the metrics to Average, using the same steps as before, selecting Average rather than Count.

4. Make sure that you select the Chart Only option as you have for the other charts.

5. Click on at the top of the page to move to the next step.

6. On the Report Preview page click on the Pie Chart image as before.

7. Click on the Chart Menu and select Special Purpose as the Chart Type and Radar as the subtype (click on the picture in the middle).

8. Click Save to load the options for a Radar Chart.

9. Set the Label to Camp Demographic.

10. Select Avg Profit Margin and Avg Invoiced (Pref Currency) as the Series.

11. Click Refresh to generate your chart.

12. You should now have a chart that looks like this.

13. Click on the Gridlines Menu and set the Show Gridlines option to Yes.

14. Click Save.

15. Click on the Labels Menu and set the Labels option to Yes.

16. Click Save.

17. You should now have a chart that looks like the one pictured here. Each line should have a label corresponding to a Camp Demographic, and the gridlines should now be visible.

18. You are now finished with this chart so Save and Activate it.

19. Click on the Close button to go back to the Report Preview page.

20. Click on the Save Menu and use Radar Chart Tutorial as the Name.

21. Type This Radar Chart was created using the Charts Tutorial as the Description.

22. Enter Tutorial as the Category and Charts as the Sub Category.

23. Click Activate.

Event Chart Creation

1. Click on the Create link to begin creating your chart.

In order to complete this tutorial you will need to import some sample data to use. Make sure you have a writable data source prepared.

2. You should now be on the Initialise Report page. Select the Spreadsheet/CSV Import option.

3. Select your writable data source in order to store the spreadsheet data.

4. Select a view category

5. Select the EventChartSample.csv file.

6. Click on at the top of the page to move to the next step.

7. You should now see the spreadsheet preview (as pictured here). Select Report as the category for each of the columns.

8. Set the spreadsheet name to be Event Chart Sample and the description to Tutorial Data.

9. Click on at the top of the page to move to the next step.

10. You should now be on the Step 1. Report Data page. To start with, set the Output Options to Chart Only by selecting it in the Report Options section on the right. This will ensure that the information appears as a chart.

11. Now you need to add metrics to your report. Click on the next to the Report category to expand it.

12. Drag and drop EventDate, SocialMediaCampaign, OnlineCampaign, PaperCampaign, and WebsiteHits fields into the Columns area.

13. Click on at the top of the page to move to the next step.

14. You should now be on the Report Preview page. Click on the image of a Pie Chart (pictured here) to go to the Chart Format page where you can setup your chart.

15. Click on the Chart Menu, select Special Purpose as the Chart Type and click on the picture of the Event Chart to select it.

16. Click Save, this will load the options for an Event Chart.

17. In the Chart Data section you will need to select the data for each setting in the chart.

18. Set the Label to EventDate, set the Value to WebsiteHits, and select the Events; SocialMediaCampaign, OnlineCampaign, and PaperCampaign.

19. Click the Refresh link to generate your chart.

20. You should now have a chart that looks like the one pictured.

21. You now need to Save and Activate your chart. Click on the Close button to go back to the Report Preview page.

22. Click on the Save Menu and use Event Chart Tutorial as the Name.

23. Type This Event Chart was created using the Charts Tutorial as the Description.

24. Enter Tutorial as the Category and Charts as the Sub Category.

25. Click Activate.

Week Density Chart Creation

1. Click on the Create link to begin creating your chart.

In order to complete this tutorial you will need to import some sample data to use. Make sure you have a writable data source prepared.
2. You should now be on the Initialise Report page. Select the Spreadsheet/CSV Import option.

3. Select your writable data source in order to store the spreadsheet data.

4. Select a view category

5. Select the WeekDensityChartSample.csv file.

6. Click on at the top of the page to move to the next step.

7. You should now see the spreadsheet preview (as pictured here). Select Report as the category for each of the columns.

8. Set the spreadsheet name to be Week Density Chart Sample and the description to Tutorial Data.

9. Change the Transaction ID field to a Dimension and ensure the Transaction Time field is recognised as a Timestamp.

10. Click on at the top of the page to move to the next step.

11. You should now be on the Step 1. Report Data page. To start with, set the Output Options to Chart Only by selecting it in the Report Options section on the right. This will ensure that the information appears as a chart.

12. Now you need to add metrics to your report. Click on the next to the Report category to expand it.

13. Drag and drop Transaction Time, Transaction ID, and Transaction Value into the Columns area.

14. Apply a Count Distinct to the Transaction ID and Sum to the Transaction Value fields.

15. Click on at the top of the page to move to the next step.

16. You should now be on the Report Preview page. Click on the image of a Pie Chart (pictured here) to go to the Chart Format page where you can setup your chart.

17. Click on the Chart Menu, select Special Purpose as the Chart Type and click on the picture of the Week Density Chart to select it.

18. Click Save, this will load the options for an Event Chart.

19. In the Chart Data section you will need to select the data for each setting in the chart.

20. Set the Label to Transaction_Time, set the Series to Count Distinct: Transaction_ID or Sum Transaction_Value.

21. Click the Refresh link to generate your chart.

22. You should now have a chart that looks like the one pictured.

23. You now need to Save and Activate your chart. Click on the Close button to go back to the Report Preview page.

24. Click on the Save Menu and use Week Density Chart Tutorial as the Name.

25. Type This Week Density Chart was created using the Charts Tutorial as the Description.

26. Enter Tutorial as the Category and Charts as the Sub Category.

27. Click Activate.

Waterfall Chart Creation

The waterfall chart is used to display cummulative values of a series. In this tutorial, you are going to examine the total invoiced amount for 2009, split by month.

1. Start creating a chart as you did with the other charts by clicking on the Create link.

2. On the Report Data page, drag and drop the Month dimension and Invoiced (Pref Currency) metric into the Column Fields.

3. Drag and drop the Year dimension into the Filters section.

4. Make sure that you select the Chart Only option as you have for the other charts.

5. Click on at the top of the page.

6. On the filters page leave the Year set to Equal to and click on the icon to select 2009.

7. Click on at the top of the page to move to the next step.

8. On the Report Preview page click on the Pie Chart image as before.

9. Click on the Chart Menu and select Special Purpose as the Chart Type and Waterfall as the subtype (click on the picture on the right).

10. Click Save to load the options for a Radar Chart.

11. Set the Label to Month.

12. Select Sum Invoiced (Pref Currency) as the Series.

13. Click Refresh to generate your chart.

14. You should now have a chart that looks like this. You now need to Save and Activate your chart.

15. Click on the Close button to go back to the Report Preview page.

16. Click on the Save Menu and use Waterfall Tutorial as the Name.

17. Type This Waterfall Chart was created using the Charts Tutorial as the Description.

18. Enter Tutorial as the Category and Charts as the Sub Category.

19. Click Activate.

Trellis Chart Creation

The trellis chart is a type of combination chart that changes depending on the combination of column and row segmentations selected.

1. Start creating a chart as you did with the other charts by clicking on the Create link.

2. On the Report Data page, drag and drop the Demographic, Gender, Age at Camp, and Athlete ID fields into the Column Fields.

3. You will need to remove the aggregation from Avg Age at Camp by selecting the field and clicking the Clear button. You will also have to apply the Count Distinct aggregation to the Athlete ID field.

4. Make sure that you select the Chart Only option as you have for the other charts.

5. Click on at the top of the page.

6. On the Report Preview page click on the Pie Chart image as before.

7. Click on the Chart Menu and select Special Purpose as the Chart Type and Trellis as the subtype (click on the picture on the right).

8. Click Save to load the options for a Trellis Chart.

9. Set the Columns to Age at Camp and Demographic.

10. Select Row to Count Distinct Athlete ID.

11. Set the Colour to Gender.

12. Click Refresh to generate your chart.

13. You should now have a chart that looks like this. You now need to Save and Activate your chart.

14. Click on the Close button to go back to the Report Preview page.

15. Click on the Save Menu and use Trellis Tutorial Tutorial as the Name.

16. Type This Trellis Chart was created using the Charts Tutorial as the Description.

17. Enter Tutorial as the Category and Charts as the Sub Category.

18. Click Activate.

Z Chart Creation

The Z Chart is a specially designed line chart used for period comparisons.

1. Start creating a chart as you did with the other charts by clicking on the Create link.

2. On the Report Data page, drag and drop the Month dimension, and Profit Margin metric into the Column Fields area.

3. Change the aggregation on Profit Margin to average by selecting the field and clicking on the

4. Make sure that you select the Chart Only option as you have for the other charts.

5. Click on at the top of the page to move to the next step.

6. On the Report Preview page click Columns link.

7. Select Month as the Column.

8. Click on the Display Menu.

9. Set the Format to Date.

10. Select Other as the Date Format

11. Type MMMM, yy in the Format box.

12. These options will mean that instead of just displaying the Month names, Yellowfin will display the month name and then the year, eg: March, 09.

13. On the Report Preview page click on the Pie Chart image as before.

14. Click on the Chart Menu and select Line as the Chart Type and Z Chart as the subtype.

15. Click Save to load the options for a Z Chart.

16. Set the Label to be Month.

17. Set the Series to be Avg Profit Margin.

18. Click Refresh to view your chart.

19. Your chart should now look like this one.

20. You are now going to customise the look of your Z Chart. Click on the Chart Format Menu.

21. You are going to extend the chart so it shows 24 months worth of data at a time. When you do this, remember that Yellowfin needs double the amount of data in order to calculate the Moving Total. In this case it would need 48 months worth of data.

22. Click Save to see how these options have changed your chart.

23. Click on the icon next to the Periodic Value to expand the options.

24. Set Line Shapes to Yes.

25. Set the Line Thickness to 2.

26. Repeat these steps for Cumulative Total and Moving Total.

27. Click Refresh to regenerate your chart.

28. Your chart should now look like the one pictured here.

29. You are now finished with this chart so Save and Activate it.

30. Click on the Close button to go back to the Report Preview page.

31. Click on the Save Menu and use Z Chart Tutorial as the Name.

32. Type This Z Chart was created using the Charts Tutorial as the Description.

33. Enter Tutorial as the Category and Charts as the Sub Category.

34. Click Activate.

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