When you run a report Yellowfin performs calculations on the data returned from the database. With analytic functions you can further transform your data for analysis purposes by applying predefined calculations.
Functions are similar to aggregate functions. You simply select the field you wish the function to apply to, and choose the function you wish to use.
Available Functions
Yellowfin comes with a set of pre-defined functions. However, your administrator may add in additional functions specifically for your organisation or reporting needs. Expand the following to see the lists of functions available:
Applying a Function to an Item
- To apply a function to an item, drag the field onto your report.
- Highlight the item and click the function icon.
- The function popup will open. This will display a range of functions available for the particular function type. For example if you have chosen a date variable then only date functions will be displayed.
- Select the function type and then the specific function. By highlighting the functions available the description will appear at the bottom of the function list.
- If appropriate select the aggregation. For example you can create a running total for SUM of revenue rather than revenue. This will pre-aggregate your data prior to the running total being applied.
- Click OK to close and save your function.
- When you run your report your column will now have the function formula applied.
Removing a Function
To remove a function from an item, do one of the following:
- Reset the field by selecting the metric and clicking the clear button.
- Remove the item from the report entirely
Statistical Functions
Yellowfin has a set of statistical functions which you can apply to your data. These include regressions and moving averages. These are applied as analytical functions and can result in trend lines such as the example below.